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      Shipyard Design Null Pointer Exception

      nightrune Oh, okay. Fair enough.
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      Shipyard Design Null Pointer Exception

      I run a small server for a few friends, however since the last update whenever anyone uses a shipyard in my server their client crashes, issuing a null pointer exception. This happens with all shipyard designs, existing ones from before the update, and any new design created afterwards. Is...
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      Extreme Ping Issue

      It's okay. You've been really helpful; thank you.
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      Extreme Ping Issue

      Zedrackis's description was good enough. I've done that now. I am going to try and play it for 20 minutes or so. If the game is playable. Then applying the hot-fix and clearing the cache is the solution to this problem. Okay. So the solution to this problem is to clear the cache having applied...
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      Extreme Ping Issue

      In my troubleshooting I deleted the entire game and reinstalled. Wasn't aware there was an elegant way to clear contextual game flies? Could you specify what exactly you mean by clear the cache?
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      Extreme Ping Issue

      Same. I ran grep -ri "NOT FOUND MULT INVENTORY" on both the server and my PC. No matches on the server, about 44 million matches on my desktop. I assume its the same issue. How'd you fix it? I applied the hot-fix and I don't think my sector size has changed.
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      Extreme Ping Issue

      Okay. I got around to checking my logs. I did grep -ri "NOT FOUND MULT INVENTORY" in my StarMade directory on my gaming system. Okay, that occurs a lot. So I assume its that...
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      Extreme Ping Issue

      It was just the default size before the update, which I believe it was 2000?
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      Extreme Ping Issue

      While none of that is ideal; this issue still occurs when we're not in that system. I am going to check the client side logs to see if "NOT FOUND MULT INVENTORY" error appears. I feel like that is the common consensus of this thread,
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      Extreme Ping Issue

      I've been hosting a server for me and a few friends for a about a week now. (server is on a separate PC to my gaming machine.) There aren't many of us, I think we've had at most three people on at once. Up until today its been smooth sailing, though today, inevitably as we were playing, all of...