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    1. G

      Server (Starting Items and Credits)

      Veteran Gaming if you come, let me know what it spawns you with, so I can make sure it worked :D
    2. G

      Server (Starting Items and Credits)

      Thank you guys! Now to actually figure out why my message of the day doesn't work.. lol I put it in, but it won't display when you log in.. Unless it's something different than I think it is?
    3. G

      Server (Starting Items and Credits)

      thank you, but I don't see it in the config file. Can I add it in? I see NPC credits though
    4. G

      Server (Starting Items and Credits)

      Hey guys.. I couldn't find a thread on this already. I want to change the starter items settings, I can't seem to find them in the config file. I've noticed on a few other servers, they have a blueprint for a ship, and different credit amount from the standard starting credits. Are these mods...