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    1. B

      Bloodgood's Shipyard: The Red Dwarf

      Thanks. I'm SO much happier already. But I also figure it would be even more work NOT to start over in a lot of ways. I've learned a lot since I first started dabbling.. just from playing with stuff and refining my own vision for what I'd like to build. Scrapping my station will be painful...
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      Bloodgood's Shipyard: The Red Dwarf

      Howdy folks, So rather than resurrecting my old thread.. again.. going to try something a little different and have separate threads for active projects. Or shall we say semi-active as I'm not quite as full time and most of you all here but never the less I hope to actually finish my ships...
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      Bloodgood's Shipyards

      Let's see.. a few things happened since last time. Flew too close to the local star, turrets flew off on their own and so I found myself putting my crusade to rid the sector of pirate stations on hold. Then.. my tolerance for stupid AI flying into my ship's framework dropped.. and so a chance...
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      Bloodgood's Shipyards

      The recent discussion on power systems is just one of many reasons why I am glad that I'm taking my darn sweet time here. New features and changes to old ones inspire new ideas and new ways to do things, but one recent motivator is all the darn pirate rates and really dumb AI where both pirate...
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      Bloodgood's Shipyards

      Well so far so good. This elevator can be configured for up to 40 stops. I haven't quite worked out how many I'll REALLY need but 40 should be enough for anyone. If a time should ever come where display modules can be copied between ships using wireless modules (or some other means) then...
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      Bloodgood's Shipyards

      As you can probably see from my previous post I started putting on the outer haul of the red one. But before I can do much I feel like I must first see to the ship's functionality. Now I'm still very much a novice at building logic circuits so my experiments are a little messy. Anyone care...
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      Bloodgood's Shipyards

      Holy cow has it really been that long? Well I suppose getting a job will do that to you.. I haven't given up on any of my projects.. I just got preoccupied with other things. Then the faction update came out and I figured I'd better get a little more done. It's not much but I got...
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      Bloodgood's Shipyards

      Interesting ideas! I shall have to play around with them when the time comes. :)
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      Bloodgood's Shipyards

      Well it's been awhile and it's going even slower than I planned.. BUT.. I am making progress. A lot of work lately I've been putting off in part in anticipating of a new computer. New machine, better card.. LOT more memory.. maybe I'll be able to see the entire ship now. :) So I just have a...
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      Bloodgood's Shipyards

      Finally got a little more time to work on the big rouge one. It's not much but I got some of the basic framework done.. we can now see just how many floors it'll have.. about 54 I think.. My current plan is to identify the key areas and design the power systems first. I'm having a hard...
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      Bloodgood's Shipyards

      That's.. actually a pretty good idea.. where did I put my graph paper? :) I've actually made a little progress but not as much as I'd like. Hopefully will get more done this week time permitting.
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      Bloodgood's Shipyards

      Thanks.. I admit one of the reasons I started a thread is that just one person with a simple comment is enough to motivate me to do some more work. The big rouge one there is going to be challenge.. in the sense that there's a ton of stuff but almost no schematics or even simple diagrams to...
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      Bloodgood's Shipyards

      Keeping a build log and sharing the insanity seems like a good bit of fun so I thought I'd give it go. I currently have 3 major projects I hope to some day 'finish' and as the mood strikes a number of smaller ships I'd like to work on. First up is my home base. As you can see.. I have a...
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      Introduction thread!

      Well let's see.. name.. yeah it's there on the left.. I don't expect to be very active (you never know though) but I figure so long as I'm here I may as well say hi. Saw a screenshot or two with Starmade mentioned on another forum and curiosity got the best of me. I seem to enjoy building...