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    1. Cfbcm

      Launcher public beta!

      I don't think so, it just showed me only one of my worlds in the list. I have three, one called world0 and it was the only one that showed up.
    2. Cfbcm

      Launcher public beta!

      I don't know what else to say but it only loaded one of my worlds. Other than that, I like the new launcher.
    3. Cfbcm

      Skink Mk I 2016-06-21

      I built a new ship to see what I could do with the new custom blocks, it looks kind of cool if you ask me but it has a crappy rate of power regeneration. only two of my screenshots will load because all my other pictures are too big even though the are all the same size, so if you want to see...
    4. Cfbcm

      Official Fleets Build Contest

      I hope i'm not late, I forgot to comment my link to my fleet Cfbcm_Fleet_Submission_1
    5. Cfbcm

      Cfbcm_Fleet_Submission_1 2016-06-19

      The Haere (The Travellers) The Haere are a solitary collective albeit their interests are primarily invested in trade an colonialism. The Haere tend to avoid Conflict and will do what they can to prevent it, but don't be fooled by their passive nature as they are relentless in war, they will...