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    1. T

      Cubical planets are better and I can explain why

      The idea to make planets into dodecahedrons was brilliant, and they certainly catch your eye. But they don't really seem to work very well. They look rounder than a cube, but they still don't look round. Instead, they're just adding pentagons to a game about squares and cubes. It might be nice...
    2. T

      Ship got deleted during construction

      I put in a blueprint to construct a ship and had assembled almost all of the materials needed at the site. After putting the build order to work, the ship construction paused at about 90% completion and I realized I'd missed a few things. I left the area to get the items but when I came back...
    3. T

      ship got deleted during construction

      I put in a blueprint to construct a ship and had assembled almost all of the materials needed at the site. After putting the build order to work, the ship construction paused at about 90% completion and I realized I'd missed a few things. I left the area to get the items but when I came back...
    4. T

      Hit point balance and applying damage to cores

      I noticed that in combat when I'm destroying an enemy ship, I have to pretty much obliterate the thing before I make a sizable dent in the ship's hit points. When fighting AI enemies, there will often be little left other than an armor shell, but it still won't overheat even though it's...
    5. T

      Night washed out instead of dark

      When the sun goes down on the planet, or when I'm on the dark side of an asteroid, or even in the poorly lit parts of my station, all of the textures become washed out. At first things darken normally, but after reaching about half darkness things suddenly start diminishing toward light gray...