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    1. Dwarfwarlock

      500 meters vertical ship power layout

      This right here was pretty much exactly what I was looking for. So for straight line power, you want a min of 60 blocks.
    2. Dwarfwarlock

      500 meters vertical ship power layout

      I need to get the dimensions of my current ship and some pictures so I can ask the question in a better format I guess.
    3. Dwarfwarlock

      500 meters vertical ship power layout

      I know this is a dead horse subject and I've seen lots or videos discussing it. That said, in the current version does the Power cube build matter as far as output? I know in earlier versions it was critical. Thanks
    4. Dwarfwarlock

      500 meters vertical ship power layout

      Super new to the game, building a similar ship, although mine is a lowly salvager. I was also curious about this it's great to see that people are willing to share what they know. Is the concept of the dockable power supply essentially the same as a dockable weapons system? Thanks