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    1. S

      (WIP) Carrier-Class Zeta

      Thanks. As soon as I built them, they immediately reminded me of those old mortar style cannons from the age of sail.
    2. S

      Sneakzter's Shipyard

      WIP: Regalia Destroyer-Class Exodus Long ranged medium class destroyer. WIP: Regalia Carrier-Class Zeta Currently features working hangar doors, vertical launch missiles with targeting, AA Turrets & Canon turrets, and a fly through style hangar bay. Will be updating periodically...
    3. S

      Gundam Shipyard

      This makes me extremely happy. I just finished watching 00.
    4. S

      (WIP) Carrier-Class Zeta

      Thanks! I think I may leave this project for a little bit and try some smaller ships. That way when I come back I'll be able to do something better with it.
    5. S

      (WIP) Carrier-Class Zeta

      Disclaimer: This is my first ship, and yes, I'm probably crazy for starting with a ship of this size. As of the date of this post, this has taken me approximately four days. Currently features working hangar doors, vertical launch missiles with targeting, AA Turrets & Canon turrets...