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    1. K

      space station dissapering in online server

      Offtopic: dear sir, you forgot all the \".\"s. In online server, your base could be somehow hacked away by some bug-users (for instance: maybe, the rockets ignore privacy then impacting faction module?). You\'re playing in Grand Thieft Spaceships, after all.
    2. K

      "You are running low on memory" o_o - 32Gb allocated

      It looks like standart java garbage collector issue, being agressively complained by game engine. Java VM will use ALL the memory accessible, deallocating garbage only then there is no room.
    3. K

      Ony one (2,2,2) shop spawns at ver 0.09473

      I flight 2,2,2 -> -42,8,53 (at 500 kph) and didn't found any shop. Then I retreated to 2,2,2 by different path, but no shop spawned at all. I could presume I have the unlucky seed, but it looks a bit odd for me - and the lone shop limits me in trade. [VERSION] VERSION: 0.09473 [VERSION]...