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    1. Awesome.exe

      [RP] Vivacitas | Whitelist | Modified economy | No catalog

      Thanks again for helping me with my questions and I can\'t wait to play
    2. Awesome.exe

      [RP] Vivacitas | Whitelist | Modified economy | No catalog

      *Fixed Thanks for answering my question, it really helped me out so I read over the rules and and I hope my Application is now acceptable for whitelist, again thanks.
    3. Awesome.exe

      [RP] Vivacitas | Whitelist | Modified economy | No catalog

      Character name: Lythicus Itachion Age: 23 Traits: Calm, Thinker, Creative and Individual Bio: Lythicus was born on Terra in Solaris territory, his father was the ceo of Itachion Industries while my mother was his secretary. Lythicus never saw his parents much because of all the business trips...