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    1. E [RP] [Structured Factions] [24/7 Uptime] [Storyline]

      OP Updated tremendously. With the coming of the latest huge update, our server reset and the faction leaders were given a 5 day grace period to build their stations. Now that the exquisite stations are built, the first faction node has been awarded to the RRA. Our server has boomed in quality...
    2. E [RP] [Structured Factions] [24/7 Uptime] [Storyline]

      I accepted your application. Welcome to the server! Hop on our teamspeak server and get to know everyone and we\'ll help you get goin\'.
    3. E [RP] [Structured Factions] [24/7 Uptime] [Storyline]

      Homepage Forum Section Server Address: CLICK HERE FOR FULL INFORMATION Weight Classes: This is the weight class structure we use on our NGG Starmade server. In blocks. I. Fighter: 1 -> 3,999 II. Corvette: 4,000 -> 29,999 III. Frigate: 30,000 -> 99,000 Large Ships IV...