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    1. K

      Cloaking and jaming

      The problem is that the second I activate cloaking or jamming the power is instantly drained causing said system to shut off.
    2. K

      Cloaking and jaming

      How does one effectively utilize cloaking and jamming systems on a ship? I looked at the wiki which said that only one of each was needed and that the cloaking system required 1000 power/s for every 1 mass while the jammer required 500. I have a ship with enough power to remain cloaked and...
    3. K

      Smarter turrets

      I realize that actually executing this would probably be a pain, but the ai for turrets should be a little bit smarter. I had just finished setting up a base on a planet complete with a large AMC turret that tears pirates to shreds as soon as it turns to face the target. Then the pirates showed...
    4. K

      turn speed, turrets, stat scaling, docking, alternative entry points for core, manufacturing, scale

      Good points on the weapon idea and shipyard. Yes the reload enhancer does have limited use as it would really only be usedful on large guns that take ungodly amounts of time to reload. Smaller ships with smaller guns would most likely not have a long enough reload time to justify adding reload...
    5. K

      turn speed, turrets, stat scaling, docking, alternative entry points for core, manufacturing, scale

      A few suggestions. Anyone with better ideas, I'd be happy to hear them. I seem to have broken the spell check on this editor so please disregard spelling errors. First turn speed. A larger ship most certainly should turn slower than a smaller one. Vector thrusters, side mounted engines...