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    1. R

      Repair modules and "Ghost" blocks

      @Imperial_gold The reason I didn\'t suggest an auto-repair button is that I worry about in-combat repairs dragging battles out and screwing with play balance. All of the suggestions I\'ve made have deliberate balancing limitations; repair stations are fixed and immobile, repair mode is too...
    2. R

      Missile launchers and computers.

      I've thought of a way of increasing the number of missile weapons in this game by a factor of five while adding very few new block types. Have a few missile types (the way we do already), and pair them with a whole lot of different guidance computer blocks. Lets say you have three missile...
    3. R

      Repair modules and "Ghost" blocks

      I\'ve had time to consider this idea, and have thought of at least one addendum: repair shops. I\'ve spent more time playing the game and messing around with player controlled stores, and I think I have an way of doing this that works. At each neutral store, have a \"repair all\" option that...
    4. R

      Round planets, hopefully easier to implement

      That\'s exactly what I was thinking of when I said curvature was problem #1. If you\'ll reread my post you\'ll notice that nowhere do I suggest making the planets actually curve at all. Rather, the appearance of a horizon is handled by an optical illusion (see the Minecraft vid) and the...
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      Round planets, hopefully easier to implement

      I've been thinking a lot lately on how to do round planets EASILY. There are a lot of suggestions for doing it that would work, but would be difficult. I've been approaching it as a "quick and dirty hack" problem, because I think it'll be more likely to be implemented that way. I think I've...
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      Repair modules and "Ghost" blocks

      @Wade EFL was the one who threatened the bump the thread until a response. I haven\'t posted in it, up until now, since I\'d rather not reply to my own topic.
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      weapon changes

      @Cool3303 I like the idea of having universal weapon blocks with modifiers, but had a different suggestion for how to include them. Make attachments for weapon computers So, a weapon computer has maybe three to five \"sockets\" that can be filled with mod attachments. Mods could include...
    8. R

      All these "turn rate" threads

      I've been reading through the suggestions forum and I've seen a lot of threads on how to modify way the game handles engines and turn rate. Most of these suggestions involve adding new block types. Reading them gave me an idea that I think could be much more easily implemented, namely having...
    9. R

      Introducing the 'Master Switch' Block.

      I like this idea. Would be very useful for docking bays, especially ones that extend some distance inside the ship/base. Have a \"close outer door\" button next to the gravity console.
    10. R

      Repair modules and "Ghost" blocks

      This is a two part suggestion, the second part of which hinges on the first. It involves repairing damaged ships. My first proposal is that blocks destroyed by incoming weapons fire get treated differently than blocks removed by the player. When a block is fired on, it gets progressively...