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    1. N

      Offline Ship Editor

      Ok, im sorry, i overracted, and was just opretty mad it happened again, im sorry for posting somethingl ike that in the first place, it isnt like me. first off, no, by there is no troubleshooting for this, i mean ive searched across the internet for anything like this, or something close enough...
    2. N

      Offline Ship Editor

      i have a problem, i was making a ship, built it half way, andl like a dumbass forgot to see which way was front, struggled, but found a program, SMEdit, you said it lets you roatae the core.... so i did, worked great, got in it, faced the right way and everything, went to go fly it away from...
    3. N

      Drones, and Advanced A.I.

      hey, did you read my entire post? I already said Beacons would be used to allow players to PLOT the exact way out of a ship, and back in. :) all beacons are connected, and beam togeather making an invisible path only seeable in build mode, or in a drone you made :) \"Now, another problem...
    4. N

      SQL Exception 53

      i have the same problem....ive been working on a huge spaceship oproject, then all of a sudden this pops up and i cant get on it anymore!
    5. N

      Drones, and Advanced A.I.

      +--:-:-=([ Drones, and Advanced A.I. ])=-:-:--+ So I am guessing this has been posted many times beforehand, I am personally quite new to this game, and was eeger to get started. I quickly caught on and started building massive battleships, spacestations, and much more. I...