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    1. N

      The Vaygr Empire [Member of the PACT]

      you cant stay under dfn and expect a treaty
    2. N

      The Vaygr Empire [Member of the PACT]

      The vaygr empire has many more than 3 members dnt know where u are getting this from, the last war we were in with you guys didnt affect us at all, as none of our faction really even called it a war lol and we took 0 losses. The vaygr raiders were a small subfaction that just went inactive.
    3. N

      The Vaygr Empire [Member of the PACT]

      This is bullshit beyond the stars, literally The fact is that after zoro was no longer admin their was a server reset, A UNIVERSE RESET Secondly u cannot spawn in recipes you have to buy them Saberrom has only one account, besides this has nothing to do with the attacks whatsoever as he wasnt...