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    1. D

      No circle reticle in flying mode

      As the title stated, I do not get the circle reticle when flying for any weapon (amc/missles) I have read the other threads and understand that I need to press the number button associated with weapon. This is what the GUI should look like: This is what it acutally look like: (image taken...
    2. D

      SD-BB no lock-on indicator

      dude... we know that.... the problem is that we dont get the circle appearing in the first place.... not even teh large one that is suppose to shrink, you are suppose to get a small circle when flying anyways.... said \"small circle reticle\" just simply isnt there.....
    3. D

      SD-BB no lock-on indicator

      Same problem here, infact i get no circle reticle for any weapon.... please help someone.....