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    1. mori

      Faster camera movent in build mode

      Just so you understand what i mean it is IMPOSSIBLE to build, because camera moves very very very slow. Really. I spend like 20-30 seconds to every time i need just to relocate myself to compare something. PLEASE ASAP, its just making one var public and expose...
    2. mori

      Server not working anymore for no reason

      i daced a dance of the wolves, smoked the pipe of insight and now its working
    3. mori

      Server not working anymore for no reason

      I launch sever, gui window dissapears > cant connect to it > it is in processes using 25% cpu. I can kill > repeat first line. THANKS YESTERDAY EVERYTHING WAS FINE WHAT A GREAT GAME
    4. mori

      Backup Folder Empty

      maybe youre looking in wrong folder?
    5. mori

      Advanced build symmetry corruption.

      What happens is that for some reason symmetry is corrupted here This is top part of ship pay attention to blue line. Now check bottom (symmetry goes through the middle of the ship) As you can see there are randomly placed blocks...
    6. mori


      I understand that balance realism/playability is important, but i want some realism. For example object lose their speed (for no reason), or you decelerate faster than you accelerate (which is impossible because both rates should be the same or close). 26 planets in one star system ( D: )...
    7. mori

      Distance between objects.

    8. mori

      Distance between objects.

      Is there a way to make bigger distances between star systems and planets? And a way to reduce the laughable unrealistic amount of planets around stars? And increase amount of asteroids?
    9. mori

      Core rotation.

      goodbye then.
    10. mori

      Core rotation.

      Implement it. Plain simple - do it. Numerous threads people ask you to, you ignore and not a single oficial answer there. Do it, not that hard.