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    1. J

      Spherical Planets Work Around

      Wow, resource hungry to have a set venter point, with a few lines of code that have a pull effect, with a max radius range limit with a few lines of code telling it to have a diminising mathmatical effect more resource hogging then a block universe where every block is interactable? I\'m not...
    2. J

      Spherical Planets Work Around

      Heh, nich group my butt... if so many people are asking for a rounded or round like planet that often then it has to do with the fact that most people in the world are used to and expecting a rounded like planet and not doing it will make this game suffer. So many games come with invisable...
    3. J

      Spherical Planets Work Around

      You people clearly are not programmers and clearly have not worked with 3D models and how coding for vectors, points and other stuff work. You are speaking in terms of the blocks you see in game and you think you know what a gaming engine is or how this engine is working. If you really beleive...
    4. J

      Spherical Planets Work Around

      You only need a grav well mechanic with a imprefect spherical grav pull diminising over distance with a max distance limit effect orignating from a center point. You don\'t need any where near a new engine for that.
    5. J

      Spherical Planets Work Around

      If you beleive it can\'t be done then you are not thinking. Create a way to make it do-able. LordWolfe is right, with behavor like those first 2 post, you will drive people away and will do it over insignificant things. First of all, stop thinking in terms of a perect round sphere. This is...
    6. J

      Spherical Planets Work Around

      Don't use a plan. Don't use a Cube. Don't make it a perfect Sphere. Use a Center Planet Grave Well Block that pulls in all directions. Make it far larger then a normal block. Perhaps make this Planetary Grave Block start with a center normal size block surounded by a diamitor of 8, 16, 24...