Search results

    1. J

      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      I seem to be acepted to the exam but haven´t got a PM yet...
    2. J

      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      And I´m a male to!
    3. J

      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      So I´ll have a chance to join later than, do you inform everybody when Recruitment starts again?
    4. J

      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      Erm...Good day sir my(in game name) is jonedvinz and Im 13 Years old (but i will turn 14 soon). And I Would Like to join a Militay facton where teamwork is the key to victory and is active all the time you guys sounds like that faction. I would like too be an ODST becsause those guys allways do...
    5. J

      Tryndalis Faction Wars [PvP] [Custom Blocks] [24/7] [Whitelist] Apply to join

      IGN: Jonedvinz I woudl like to take place in some epic battles!