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    1. Dr.Etheris

      A TREATY between the SR, the DFN, A&S, GR, USF, FS, SATURN, BA, UEI, DE, RA, and the UAF

      I know my faction has just been created, but since I am part of the SATURN server, I believe I should sign the treaty anyway. Docter Unakade Etheris...... Considered the treaty signed by the EEAM (Etheris Engineering and Manufactering)
    2. Dr.Etheris

      Personal Defense - Armor, Weapons, Boarding, Robots, and Medicine

      Spray dem pods out and pray one of them is lucky enought to find a hall way,also you could allways do your best to gut out a ship from the inside :3
    3. Dr.Etheris

      Personal Defense - Armor, Weapons, Boarding, Robots, and Medicine

      I think something that could be useful for boarding is electromagnets, that, when powered they will stick to othersurfaces, so imagine launching plenty of baroding pods with these which will allow them to stick to the enemy, The electro magnets can be activated like weapons. Something elese...
    4. Dr.Etheris

      Warp Gates? Worm Holes :-)

      This is a wonderful idea, should be added :D