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    1. AppLeNaToR

      Game crash when moving recipe

      Heya, i just found out some more details about this bug.
    2. AppLeNaToR

      Recipe in Plex Storage will crash the client

      Just checked it in the latest version (0.093922) It is still happening. It just looks like i missed one detail the last time. For the crash to happen, you need to have the Pistol in your Quickbar. The slot on which the game is crashing depends on the slot in which the weapon is located...
    3. AppLeNaToR

      Recipe in Plex Storage will crash the client

      Reproducibility 100% Experienced: Crash of the game when a recipe in a certain slot inside a plex storage is being picked up Expected: No crash Steps to reproduce: 1. Set down a Plex storage and open it 2. Take any recipe and put it in the third column from the second row. 3. Now try to...
    4. AppLeNaToR

      How to break down lvl 5 minerals without the mineral separator

      Wtf seriously. I had the exact same question and LUCKILY i finally found the anwser! Go to the Shop, And in the shop menu above the list is a selector for Recipes!!! Press that and there you will find Recipes to Refine or Coarse the Minerals! //EDIT Maybe this was introduced with the...
    5. AppLeNaToR

      Thrusters and basic aerodynamics, for dogfighters and capital ships.

      Don\'t make it too complicated but give it some more depth. Current system is to simple, your suggestion is on the other hand to much for a Game. (Actually tbh i did not even read everything as I kind of agree that there could be more, but just the sheer amount of text you wrote makes it look...
    6. AppLeNaToR

      Auto repair

      i kind of like the Drydock idea. Not beacuse of the \"invincible ship due to repairs\" as this could be countered by putting everything offline when you start repairing. (All energy needed for repair) but just for a kind of \"Why create a home base\" Or even you could create a repair base where...
    7. AppLeNaToR

      Auto repair

      Wouldn\'t it be nice if the ship actually could repair itself? Lets say you would need to save the Schematics first. Then you put those into a Repair Module. Next to the repair module you have a Repair Stoarge which holds the required material (more than needed) If activated, the repair module...
    8. AppLeNaToR

      How to Change Direction Of Docked Ship

      I would love to be able to define the rotation of the docked ships, not just the docking zone itself :) Lets hope this gets implemented soon.