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    1. L


      ...I highly approve and like this idea
    2. L

      Holding the mouse down keeps placing/removing blocks?

      I like it for removing, but I\'m not fond of it for placing, as it gives more control over the building process, but I would like to have the advance build be able to go over 10 blocks, but that\'s not even a big hassle for me, more like a small luxory thing. Then again, if they up the advanced...
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      Shield changes

      I like the mass/sheild idea you have going, but I\'m not so sure about the more protected the closer, just due to the sheilds DO cover everywhere, equally, the feild spreads along the floor and goes across it all, so i don\'t see sense in it protecting one area more, I see sense in it getting to...
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      Finite energy

      I feel this idea would be great for RP servers and such, but at this moment, would be terrible, but when this game gets a release and bigger populace, adding this and making it optional server by server, I feel it could have great uses. Give the Trade Guild more of a role, as someone...
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      Turret Issue

      Am I just being stupid, or is there some glitch happening? First picture is the turret taken down to a size that the ship will allow, with the box around it showing the size i have enhanced to, second picture is the fully-built turret, that I cannot connect for being "too big"...
    6. L

      Lag Near a station

      I get the same issue, and I don\'t get it with big player-built ships, but I also get some lag when near pirates, so I\'m assuming my issue is with pre-made objects, but still it sucks and is very annoying ><