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    1. L

      Offline Ship Editor

      Isanth-VI is working exact the way it should and now i see that the ship is really moving 180°... Anyway u got mail ;)
    2. L

      Offline Ship Editor

      1) Im stupid but at least i just tried this one out before i read your post and have one question. Is it still the file from 2nd thread page?? 2) How could i? can i upload it somewhere? I tried it with a small ship and now i can see a bit more what it does... It rotates every block...
    3. L

      Offline Ship Editor

      The Problem still occurs... I built a ship with a lot of wedges and when i rotate it round Y for 180° my wedges all look in another direction... Looks really confusing cause they dont reset and look all in the same direction but like they turn around 180° and facing away from the direction they...
    4. L

      Offline Ship Editor

      Sounds great! This would be amazing! Thank you Sir for spending your time! Whish you a pleasent lunch!
    5. L

      Offline Ship Editor

      While building my ship i accidently mirrored the front of my vessel. So i deleted the \"2nd front\". After nearly finishing i got in flight mode an guess what... Yes! Build the damn ship in wrong direction. so tail is where head should be... I was really frustrated so i searched around and...
    6. L

      Latest patch crashing with build blocks

      First i tried alot of stuff like the weapon in my bag and driver update... now it works just because i put everything from my hotbar to my bag and then i tried get in buildblock with empty hotbar... works... also scrolling around... then i put just one block to my bar and worked... now i can...