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    1. A

      Anders' Texture Pack (WIP)

      I am working on a texture pack that strives for blocks that are universal and can work with most ship designs, in the same way vanilla works, though it is slightly more "Human" in some designs. It utilizes the unused resolution, making the resolution go from 27*27 to 54*54. Here are some...
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      The Danish Axe, for my faction :)

      Thanks. The idea was having good defining angles and lines to give it a good shape yet making it relatively fast to make via the advanced build mode. My main inspiration was the GDI kodiak and the L.M.S. Explorer...
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      The Danish Axe, for my faction :)

      It is around 260 meters long with somewhat detailed interior. It is mostly a platform for a single huge antimatter cannon. It can also radar jam for around 20 seconds.,AIZBy0S,Ezeqeuk,gsX4tM4,fpgSEYw,a5uzWje#5
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      Thrusters and basic aerodynamics, for dogfighters and capital ships.

      Well, I know the calculations behind this suggestion would be rather intimidating, but in practice, these systems would have some pretty straight forward and have rather intuitive effects on manuevability. Need some more turn speed? Put some more thrusters on the side of the ship. Need some more...
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      Thrusters and basic aerodynamics, for dogfighters and capital ships.

      At the moment, thruster position and orientation doesn't matter, only the amount of thrusters multiplied with the number in the group to the power of something I am not sure of at the moment. This is both linear, and unnecessarily punishes multithruster units on smaller ships. I think instead...