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    1. Welzfisch

      Space Battleship Yamato

      Hi everyone, this one is a Project on our Server which i'm working on for a week now. I just throw you some pics and a .sment. Your opinion is welcome :) There are missing some turrets at the bottom and the big one on top front. Interriror isn't finished as well but as u all...
    2. Welzfisch

      Crash upon using scroll wheel

      This one is when u come over the new weapon in advanced build mode. I think this could be a topic with the orientation option :)
    3. Welzfisch

      Terranovo German (PVP/24;7/Whitelist) Dedicated server

      Ingamename: Welzfisch Hi, ich bin neu in dem Game und suche für gemeinsamen Spielspaß ne nette Community. Ich bin 26 und komme aus dem Großraum Düsseldorf. Habe bis jetzt viel Minecraft gezockt und schau mir jetzt mal starmade an. Mir wären viele aktive Member wichtig. Vielleicht auch zu...