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    1. J

      The Suggestion to Rule them All

      Having to run to a secondary core to repair it in astronaut mode, and cable its connected systems (thruster core cabled to thrusters etc), really does bring in a new depth to ship building and combat... and strategy too. If I had my way there\'d be cables for everything.. plex doors wouldnt...
    2. J

      The Suggestion to Rule them All

      The benefits of having cores of each type is you get a big bonus to that system. So if you have a weapons core, your AMC output / damage skyrockets 50% more (or wahtever is suitable lets avoid the cannons are OP discussion). Thats the benefit. The weakness is its visible to enemy radar and can...
    3. J

      The Suggestion to Rule them All

      Let me clarify, it makes battles more epic (and ship building more fun) because it gives you / the enemy more options for combat, more strategy. You dont have to start tunneling into the ship core, you can instead target the weapons core if its more accessible at the time. It adds the element of...
    4. J

      The Suggestion to Rule them All

      It\'s optional if simple is what you prefer. Read main post again.
    5. J

      New Core Death Effect

      Then you better make sure you get into the ship core before it blows
    6. J

      The Suggestion to Rule them All

      So this First post here: And then this post here: READ THIS POST BELOW REALLY WELL BEFORE RESPONDING. The above links me to consider, a key problem with Starmade, which is...
    7. J

      FUEL - Glorious fuel

      I would like to further extend fuel be required for general electricity for your ships too...plex lights, plex doors, docking modules, gravity, bobby AI. Some basic solar panels could handle basic lights and such, the real power drains being weapons (turrets included), shields, and movement...
    8. J

      FUEL - Glorious fuel

      Explain how one keeps the current power setup and \"puts fuel on top\"? I dont think you have thought that out very well
    9. J

      FUEL - Glorious fuel

      A fair point above about not making fuel a boring requirement - which would happen if everyone make a solar panel farm out of their space station..... ...UNLESS.... your faction protected home base is disabled from placing energy generation, and ONLY non home-bases will let you add those...
    10. J

      FUEL - Glorious fuel

      I guess ship cores can produce small amounts of their own fuel, to keep them as simple transport Hud wise, just a digital number of energy cells / items in your ship. The fuel system, like every part of Starmade, will require learning / basic tutorial page
    11. J

      The suggestion that must never be real. Ever.

      I\'m all for WARP speed (isntant teleportation), and also WARP GATES. Simply make warp speed require stupid amounts of instantaious power (read big ship with shitloads of Power Tanks), to be doable, and time limit it, e.g. one warp per 30 minutes or whatever, otherwise you risk damage to your...
    12. J

      FUEL - Glorious fuel

      Based on this excellent first post at: I'm extending it a little further, and while already discussed, am relaying it again. Ships should require FUEL. Read this post Thoroughly before replying! Fuel can come in the following ways: Solar...
    13. J

      Ramming Ships

      Imperial Gold,you obviously would not ram a mothership in your tie fighter. You would not be trying to kill one to begin with in a tie fighter. Hurrr. Honestly... just give up. If two mothersips are fighting, and one is clearly losing, ramming is a good idea and could heavily even the odds, if...
    14. J

      Escape pod docking port

      Love the escape pod idea... except in a mothership, having to run your ass down to it, to undock and flee... suicide Need a faction module or ship core option \"ESCAPE IN POD\", and set docking module to have a flag \"escape pod\". And don\'t allow those docking modules to have ANY enhancer...
    15. J

      The Starmade's main problem

      I agree, energy wars ftw... aka making planets vaulable to defend... although I wonder if energy wars really means dig it all out, move on.... meaning there will be no planets within 20km of spawn... not sure I like that idea... solutions? This will become like minecraft raidcraft / factions...
    16. J

      Ramming Ships

      \"What is stopping me from getting a decently sized fighter (say 100 mass), and ramming the crap out of a large frigate (3000 mass) and killing it?\" Read my original post. The fighter would be destroyed into dust, the large frigate would barely have a scratch.
    17. J

      The Starmade's main problem

      Syzygy, what you are saying is you want to keep the instant \"play time\" on Starmade, the problem is, this makes games boring more quickly, because you have to earn nothing much. Wheras starting off on a planet, seeing the odd player fly away, while you are marooned, gives you something to...
    18. J

      Ramming Ships

      Syzygy, you could still nudge, there would need to be say a 20KMH minimim impact speed for ramming damage to begin to be calculated etc, nudging is fine Imperial Gold, I read your whole post, I exagerated a little on disintegrator costs vs ship to blow up, but they are still useless against any...
    19. J

      Ramming Ships

      Isanths are useless ships, a 5x5x5 cube beats an isanth, that therefore invalidates your suggestion that disintegrators do real damage, there useless against shields (which is all ships). Unless schema makes shield recharge take FAR LONGER to start recharging, then the ability to do damage via a...
    20. J

      The Starmade's main problem

      BRAVO to the OP (ne3zy). This is one of the VERY few suggestions I have seen that is rock solid in most/all of what it says. Rock solid. I really hope schema pays attention to the first post in this thread. You have to EARN your way off the planet, and like omni said, would make for a much more...