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    1. J

      Serious Suggestions (take notes)

      I know that tone doesn\'t convey well over text sometimes, so I will explicitely state that, yes, I am in fact being absurdly smug and condescending and that these ideas are all objecitvely terrible. Actually, #10 sounds brilliant.
    2. J

      Making hulls useful, and adding a new dimension to ship design

      All of the solutions I\'ve read on hulls require dynamic calculations to acheive, which would put severe strain on a server during any remotely large fight. When suggesting a change for hulls, try and come up with something that is a static change rather than something that has to calculate and...
    3. J

      Here are some additional hull shapes I'd like to see.

      gotta be careful with curved blocks as they add waaaaay more polys than a normal hull block (which adds 8 at most)
    4. J


      Variations of this idea have come up before, they all have cool little extras to them though; -Docking a ship to a shipyard would cause it to unbuild/rebuild to the blueprint, allowing the shipyard to also work as a repair yard for damaged ships (still limited by the build rate and availability...
    5. J

      Look what i found on a planet [easter egg]

      My faction on the starjita server uses one of these as our home base. We\'ve repurposed the buildings into personal living areas, a bank, a factory, a power plant, hangars, etc. We have turrets and smaller ships docked on the roofs and walkways running between the buildings. Looks really cool...
    6. J

      Blueprint/Catalog abuse FIX

      The reason this thread comes up so much is because it\'s (one of) the biggest issues in the game right now. It breaks every kind of gameplay outside of tournament PVP. RP, proper PVP, trader, industrialist, miner... all of it rendered meaningless by the BP system. There\'s a reason so many...
    7. J

      Suggestion: Use Our Suggestions

      At the same time, Schema has said that he\'s building this game for himself, so it\'s kinda like we\'re in it for the ride because we enjoy it. Then why haev a suggestion forum at all?
    8. J

      Suggestion: Use Our Suggestions

      every blocktype thats added has an idnumber, as you\'re likely well-aware. They arent removed because then you have a gap in your index. That gap will cause errors in any function that loops through that index You could still remoev factory blocks form the shop and cubatom (literally the...
    9. J


      Lots of guys been trying to join the server tonight but can\'t because it\'s a patch behind; You can download the same version the server is running here until the server gets updated to current release.
    10. J

      Dear server owners.

      Blueprints are a trade-off. They remove industry in order to make ship and turret building quicker and easier. essentially destroying one gameplay element in order to streamline another, which for me and a lot of players is a net loss. That\'s why admins remove them from servers.
    11. J

      New Cubatom System

      There is a far difference between \'really lucrative\' and being able to turn 255 1c blocks in 255 16mil blocks in a couple of minutes. edit: And the current factory system is profitable if you take the time to set it up properly. As long as you play on a BP disabled server where some build...
    12. J

      Dear server owners.

      I like to play my space sims as an industrialist. What\'s the point of industry if anyone can make infinite amounts of anything in no time at all? BPs need to not generate resources out of nothing. I\'m all in favour of replacing the BP system with a shipyard block that builds ships as you...
    13. J

      The single biggest thing holding this game back

      Draco, I\'d agree with you for a creative mode but for a survival/SMP mode logistics concerns have to exist to promote a healthy trade environment.
    14. J

      New Cubatom System

      Got the mechanics figured out. I was considering writing a guide but since this whole system basically turns every server into creative mode I\'ll hold off on it. Hopefully schema has some plan in place for it that will restrict it and/or not make factories and mining and shops completely redundant.
    15. J

      Cubatom Bugs

      1) After splitting an item, you cannot split a different item without relogging. 2) Mass splitting via RMB requires a shop? 3) Mass refining via RMB doesn't work at all.
    16. J

      New Cubatom System

      More findings: it actually makes the economy even worse than it was before. You can use basic terrain blocks to make L5 ores and stuff. pretty broken. On the server I play I\'ve been figuring out overcoming ship module bottlenecks by using the cubatom to create things like power tanks and...
    17. J

      New Cubatom System

      I\'m trying to figure it out but it\'s very buggy. Need to relog if you want to split something after already having split a different thing, and sometimes splitting doesn\'t work at all? Also sometimes the tooltips don\'t seem to match up with the icons?
    18. J

      Simple Changes that would Fix Overpowered Recipes

      OP raises some good points. for my own part I thought blueprints should work as follows: 1) open your catalogue, click to spawn a ship (doesn\'t strictly need to be at a shop). 2) game checks your inventory for materials. After that, it checks public or faction storage within your sector...