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    1. S

      Problem with custom blocks

      The problem was that for some reason Notepad++ was not asking me to give the administrative permission to save the file, instead it said it simply could not save the file. This is where I screwed up. Since I could not save it directly I simply saved a different version to my desktop then...
    2. S

      Problem with custom blocks

      I can't add more than one custom block because it says there is no more free IDs. When I tried adding more to the file that didn't work either. So I tried doing it completely in the BlockConfig and BlockTypes files using the respective numbers and still nothing. Anything...
    3. S

      Mod Category in Forums

      I have a mod I'm working on and once I'm done I'll obviously put it on the forums, but since there's no mod section I'll have to put it in General Discussion or something. Since Schema said there would be mod support soon I thought why not already have a mod section for those who can make them...