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      Micro Atomic Warheads

      Why dont which make turrets slower.
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      Micro Atomic Warheads

      your right, perhaps then just a minor shield pearcing missile.
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      Pirates Factions and there growth

      bit complex but good for a campaign mode,can we have the hate list for players.
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      Star Trek

      Oh and hot cylon women.
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      Star Trek

      why not nukes and a supply systemof food and water, or centurion robots which can fight borders a a programmable ai.
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      Micro Atomic Warheads

      As we all know the dev wants smalls ships to be able to take on bigs ships,his approach is to nerf larger ships, mine is superpower small ships. Basicaly have a one block missile launcher which has a radius of 40 ish blocks (like Planet Destroyers) however these would be one use only...
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      Space Hulks.

      Damn i hate it how if someone posts comments it goes p the list,most comments are negative so intresting ideas with no faults get hidden. So I implore you,say bump on al intresting threads.
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      Space Hulks.

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      Weapons armour rebalance.

      The current capital ship weapon of choice is a huge missile that can cause 3 million damage to shields,this is unfair. To rebalance you could make shields inpenetrable to missiles. also hull should have lots more hitpoints and am cannons should have a damage penalty against them...
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      Space Hulks.

      Or a turret spawning a mob.
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      Unlimited Mode

      i like the test but mabye you would need a station and a \"Ship building simulator 2113\" block.
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      Heat signatures

      Or just make the reticle a dot instead of a diamond.
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      Space Hulks.

      Pirates is a good idea, if collissions did damage then debris would add another feature. shields and weapons would be active but the power would need time to recharge so power steadily increases. Space hulks may also be dangerous as defence turrets may also be online.
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      Space Hulks.

      Also ther could be an active turret or 2 inside the generated derelicts.
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      Basicaly a stackable radio block which can transmit your voice to ships within range,longer range means more interference. like normal headsets but with a range and abilitie to set to faction only.
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      Transformer Block

      So you could turn a 1500 block ship into a missile array that could one shot planets. NO just NO.
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      A suggestion about AI, specifically Bobby

      What about sortie mode,go to this sector attack until a:timer runs out b:an enemy ship is destroyed c:its own sheilds are down d:all hostiles destroyed
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      Update the forum ASAP!

      Put a full stop in subject to prevent double sentences.
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      AI Central Control Blocks.

      Love that idea,i could control a fleet from my console.
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      Signs(write a text on special object)

      I think thay should connect,so the more adjacent sign blocks the bigger the text, So its like the sign on Galactica.