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    1. F

      Using numpad for movement keys causes build mode to freeze.

      I have the same bug, makes it still impossible to play the game.
    2. F

      List your top 3 game breaking bugs or flaws

      1. Unable to map numpad keys w/o crashing in ship build mode. Sadly or for good i only have one bug to report, because i cant play w/o the numpad keys, so i stopped right there and hope it get fixed.
    3. F

      Numpad 2 key

      Yes but even if i reassign them it happens. I use numpad 8/4/6/2 for moveement. Numpad 4 works fine. 8/6/2 crash the game.
    4. F

      Numpad 2 key

      Hi! So i downloaded the game, worked my way trough the hassles of the starter exe and got the game installed and actually started it up fine. Once in the game, een i watched alot of videos, i started in the tutorial. In the breaks between steps i configured my keyboard setup, with the...