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    1. A

      Condensing the Core Suggestions

      How high are you now?
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      AI Suggestions

      Great will add that immidiatly
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      AI Suggestions

      Infact. if possible. I would like factories actually placing blocks together. so you could have assembly lines for drones. Would be quite amazing.
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      AI Suggestions

      And would be possible if AI was given just abit more work. As right now they have no path finding what so ever. they just charge at you mindlessly. A basic pathfinding could lead to large docks with many ships. flying one after the olther in corridors maybe even asigning groups for ships. so...
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      AI Suggestions

      Droids sugesstions for AI. Hello there. I have been playing starmade for a few days. the game is amazing. but not without issues. For example. The AI. Once let go. the Artafical intellegance units attack any hostile target. but, do not return. I think that AI is a great potential for...