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    1. S

      Starter Doesn't Start.

      Alright, after removing Java Update 25 and re-installing it, it now strangely works...
    2. S

      Starter Doesn't Start.

      The launcher doesn\'t even appear, it worked for my Computer, but not laptop.
    3. S

      Starter Doesn't Start.

      [Jul 25, 2013 1:00:02 PM] STDOUT: [OUT] [VERSION] VERSION: 0.0 [Jul 25, 2013 1:00:02 PM] STDOUT: [OUT] [VERSION] BUILD: undefined [Jul 25, 2013 1:00:02 PM] STDOUT: [OUT] #################### StarMade ####################### [Jul 25, 2013 1:00:02 PM] STDOUT: [OUT] # version 0.0 - build undefined...
    4. S

      Starter Doesn't Start.

      I have Java, Intel HD 4000, I\'m launching it right after download, StarMade-starter (2).exe
    5. S

      Starter Doesn't Start.

      I\'m trying to launch the starmade starter for Windows 7. I\'m running it on Windows 7 64 bit, no errors, when I launch it nothing happens, not even an error message. I\'m just launching it.
    6. S

      Starter Doesn't Start.

      I DO have an Intel graphics card, but it is up to date and I tried both Windows downloads and Manual downloads, but it still won't work.