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    1. AnorZaken

      Blocks placed/mined desync with blockcount in inventory

      For non-programmers curious about what the suggested cause is about, here is a short technical explanation: increasing a value (any value) on a computer is most often (depends on cpu architecture) three operations on the cpu: 1. read the old value into the cpu-cache, 2. change this value (in...
    2. AnorZaken

      Blocks placed/mined desync with blockcount in inventory

      Cause: I'm taking an educated guess that the mining/placing of blocks is multithreaded and you dont use locks to ensure thread-safety on incrementing/decrementing the blockcount in the inventory? The problem: If you mine/place blocks very fast, the amount of blocks gained/lost in the inventory...
    3. AnorZaken

      Shops cant handle extreme itemstacks - items disappears

      When you have extremely large itemstacks, like +1million (note sure where the limit is) shops cant handle them correctly and sometimes such stacks are destroyed by the shop when it interracts with the stack. (Just lost a ~1.6million stack). Problem 1 : When you drag the stack to the sell area...