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    1. J

      Coreless ;(

      Cool. Thanks for the info. Yeah it just seemed weird that there\'s no \"door\" by default so you have to trigger the Core directly to enter. From what Archer6621 is saying I\'ll probably just build a hollow cube for entry
    2. J

      Coreless ;(

      That seems like a flaw in design... The core is the most important part of the ship, right? Why should it be exposed?
    3. J

      Coreless ;(

      For some reason I can\'t enter the cockpit to fly my ship... The core is completely enclosed with armor and shielding. Is this normal?
    4. J

      Coreless ;(

      Damn. That\'s bananas. So serial > parallel. I\'ll remember that. Thanks! :D
    5. J

      Coreless ;(

      Woo! Go go launcher! New universe, new lease on life. Thank you.
    6. J

      Coreless ;(

      @InsanityApe: \'Splain me... I\'ve actually been looking for how to reset/create universe. Like I said, just starting (going on an hour?) @XHawk87: If it was a thing then I can confirm that it is no longer a thing.
    7. J

      Coreless ;(

      Just started the game today. Completed the tutorial in sandbox mode then immediately got blitzed no less than 6 AI and killed. Problem is on respawn I don't even have enough for a new core because I spent it all in the tutorial. Suggestion: give out a freebie core on the first death and...
    8. J

      Ship Building Tutorial

      Tutorial is cool. The interface can be annoying at times. Suggestion: get rid of the timer. Force some action to progress and allow the user to simply skip a step. The time causes the interface to keep popping up after the specified amount of time which doesn\'t really serve any purpose from the...