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    1. T

      Pre-gen faction modules

      I just encountered one of these as well, and shooting the faction module keeps saying 0 dmg... it doesnt seem to be destroyable :-/
    2. T

      Big Ships are Terrible now...

      I would agree that such a weapon should be expensive, and need to be crafted. It should also impart some form of drawback on the ship using it. If I had a fighter with a shield-regen-dampening missile system, what if it had very high power requirements? or prevented you from using shields...
    3. T

      Big Ships are Terrible now...

      Alternative: Introduce a missile type that imparts a stacking shield regen debuff, but does squat to armor? I\'m thinking along the \'bomber\' line here. Under \'normal\' circumstances, I would think that a very large ship SHOULD be able to tank a small fighter or two, if the fighters were...