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      Buying ships bug

      When ever i spawn my ship (HUGE) it says the blueprint is modified and spams it every min. I dont know why it says that, i didnt use cheats or anything. If i use turrets, the do become ghost turrets occasionally
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      Kill Systems Tech 2

      Will be added to ToDo.
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      Kill System Tech

      though they often look bad... XD
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      [UK] TItans doom, Where the gods get slayed (50k starter, 100 max speed Safe spawn area (unkillable)

      Username: Darkatus_101 Age: 16 Reason: To play Starmade online and to build new ships and make a big Faction. Previous bans: None Aim on the server: To conquer all with my Uber Ship :D
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      Big Ships are Terrible now...

      I have a huge ship, (21K mass) and it is not affecting me at all. Ships can send all the missiles they want and it wont do nothing. Find a balance between the right amount of shields. 1.0 recov is great.
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      Kill Systems Tech 2

      The ship is not even half done, I will post the todo on the main post, thanks for the feedback! Download Link Has Been Released For the BioSphere
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      Kill Systems Tech 2

      Welcome to Kill System Tech 2! Kill System Tech (Main Page) Ship #1 BioSphere Status(WIP) Shell Complete *18 hours straight of work * ToDo: Interior Design, Turrets, Weapons System, Simulated Habbitat *Thus the name BioSphere*...
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      Why the shield change is good

      8092.3 Also, shield recharge time is only a sec, an upgrade if you ask me.
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      Why the shield change is good

      have you even tried the game with the change? I have a capital ship 8092.3 mass and 150 shields, omg the recovery update made a 0.5 recovery rate dif. No configs modified, I mean, why are you all so freaked out about this?
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      Entirely Reworked Shields

      got nerfed. It would add realisim and a new way of shielding that doesnt get affected by the size of the ship, but instead by the shield itself. I\'d love to see this added to the game, and also, Massive energydrains are good for balancing ;D