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    1. FAIL_BRO_777

      Turning: where should my core be?

      Where should my core be in relation to the rest of my ship if i want to have a fast turning speed?
    2. FAIL_BRO_777

      Any Servers Looking For An Admin?

      IF you are looking for a Admin, i could help: Im British so can be on at a different time to the American users, therefore help keep a 24hr moniter I know all the Admin codes and block ID's I tend to stay well out the way of other players so i can work on my own project, but I will socialise...
    3. FAIL_BRO_777

      Need a Build Team

      hey guys, Im reletively new to starmade and am yet to get used to the bulding of ships etc. But i have plans to build a HUGE ship, and would like to have it sooner, rather than later... Here;s a link to the gallery on Photobucket of the ship, made in Xbox Minecraft...
    4. FAIL_BRO_777

      COMPLETE sheilding and armour overhaul

      RIGHTY-HO! As i can gather from reading the threads about capital ships being COMPLETELY useless with the new sheilding update, I set about thinking about how to make a shelding and armour system that would increse with the size of the ship to give a realistic representaion of armour and...
    5. FAIL_BRO_777

      Turning Thrusters

      I have a suggestion to make it so that you can attatch thrusters up the side of your ship to aid in turning. These thusters woud be EXTREMELY expensive so only players who own ships that would need them can get them (as putting them onto a fighter would be OP and, lets face it, quite a bad...
    6. FAIL_BRO_777

      A little help please? (Understanding ship classs)

      So I'm new and ive a had a looka t a few forum topics and ive seen refernces to different ship classes (figher, destroyer, corvette, capital etc) i was wondering, what actually difines one class from another? is it a length, hight, width thing? or a mass thing? or even the things inside (Ie...