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      MK IV: MK I:
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      Thanks MisterVec Mitchelltrt, sure, I\'ll upload it later today. Although, to be quite honest, I\'m not sure how effective it will be, I built it focusing on appearance and only started to make it functional after. I\'ve never played multiplayer myself, so I really have no idea how good or bad...
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      Just thought I'd show some of my creations, annoyingly the screenshot tool seems to have turned all the glass white, so please just imagine the white blobs as glass coloured... The Spectre MK IV I'm pretty proud of this one and it was my first proper ship It has had various upgrades since the...
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      Something Different-A Trip to the Pod Races

      Here was my first attempt at a very basic pod racer
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      Something Different-A Trip to the Pod Races

      I had this idea the other day and started thinking of ideas but only just thought to check if someone had already beaten me to it. Well done. The start of the track is looking good! Have you made any more progress?
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      comfort comes first

      This kind of spam is just reinforcing a decision to avoid everything Nike from now on.. not that I had much anyway....
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      Thruster advice?

      Bumpety Bump??
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      Thruster advice?
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      Thruster advice?

      Hi! So I'm working on a battleship/carrier thingy (dunno what it would technically class as) It still needs ALOT more work, but the outer shell is mostly sorted. Visually, I will eventually add some red detailing/lines, turrets, a slim bridge screen at the front, maybe a couple of hangar...
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      No Pirates

      Yup I\'m getting the same thing, No AI apart from turrents, nothing seems to make them spawn