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      Halo Universe

      SDV Images Bridge...
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      Halo Universe

      I am currently working on an SDV-Corvette-Class ship right now, im almost done with the body of it, ill post pictures of it soon, keep in mind that it will look somewhat ugly until i am finished :P I intended on making the ship only about 3/4 the actual size, maybe less but i may have...
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      [US-Based][RP]The Crucian Expedition [9 Crew Openings!]

      Lol, I already applied for that server on friday, I guess ill have to ease my way into the faction, hah. But their server has been having issues so who knows how its going to pan out x(
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      [US-Based][RP]The Crucian Expedition [9 Crew Openings!]

      Put me where you need me, i\'ll do what i can to help the faction.
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      Halo Universe

      I too would like to join in, count me in for the Covenant! :) You will see me as Prnografk-Papaya
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      [US-Based][RP]The Crucian Expedition [9 Crew Openings!]

      Name: Prnografk-Papaya (Subject to change pending RP rules) Caste: Architect/Warrior Experience w/ Starmade: Started playing on Saturday after watching a video from Jamziboy. Been playing non-stop and spent sleepless night building a Phoenix-Class ship and mobile space station. I am an avid...
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      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      Server doesnt seem responsive
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      [RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

      Sooo.... I\'m accepted right? lol
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      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      What is your Username and age? Prnografk Papaya, age 23. (You may call me Lio) Why do you want to apply to become an official U.G.S.C member? Keep it breif. I want to become part of the faction because I am in love with the halo universe and am known to be a good builder. What is...
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      [RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

      Character Name: Rohirio Hannen Age: 43 Personality: Clammed up man who looks out for number one, though he is is cold and hard, occasional...