Search results

    1. T

      connector block

      I wonder about possibly adding in a block that can connect two items in the weapons menu? For instance; connecting your amc's to your dumbfires to your heat seekers to your mining lasers? It would probably be thought of as overpowered, but my ideal system runs more like a bullet-hell type game...
    2. T

      advanced mode invisibility

      Every time I enter advanced build mode all blocks become invisible. I have tried turning every option off and on to see if those affected it, but have had no success.
    3. T

      choose where to fire from

      Is there a way to choose where your beam or laser will come from? I tend to build wide cannons (3x3) and would really like if I were able to choose for the shot to come out of the center of the cannon rather than a corner or a side.
    4. T

      search for ships: website suggestion

      I would like to see more options to search for ships on the 'ships' page. I think it'd be nice to be able to search for the names of ships or organize them by mass or any other suggestion. Currently if I want to look for a specific ship like Serenity or a Battlestar I just ctrl-f every page of...