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    1. UpperFlagAstro

      Read by Council Ability to join NPC factions and empires

      I really like this idea, however I don't like the idea of permanently owning all of the ships your faction gives you. I think there are 3 ways this could be fixed. 1: Maybe you don't get gifted larger ships from the faction you are apart of 2: When you leave the faction you don't keep ships...
    2. UpperFlagAstro

      I have found the answer to the Big ship vs. Small ship Debate!

      I use large ships a lot, I love them. One thing I always do when I\'m almost done with a large ship is brainstorm all of the different strategies that could be used to take out my ship then build my turrets accordingly. Even if everyone does that there are still plenty of tactics that can beat...
    3. UpperFlagAstro

      Build Block and Advanced Build Mode abuse

      Instead of using build blocks, there should be a space station core when you start a space station. That way you can enter advanced build mode only in ships and your own space station.
    4. UpperFlagAstro

      Docking beams on Cockpits, increase max dock size, modular ships, cryopods and weapon cockpits

      I do agree that you should be able to dock larger ships as well as have chain docking (thats in another forum). Now about your docking beam from the cockpit idea, I think that you can just as easily line up a cockpit with your core, that is what I do, have a dedicated docking cockpit.
    5. UpperFlagAstro

      Saving ships

      In must public servers nobody can shoot your ship in the spawn, so just park it in the spawn with your faction block activated and it should be safe (unless somebody pushes it out of the spawn, if you fear that tether it to the shop). Otherwise MAKE A HOME BASE!
    6. UpperFlagAstro

      Advanced Gravity Modules

      Mabye you could have it so that a space station has a proximity that its gravity affects ships and people, just like a planet.
    7. UpperFlagAstro

      Tractor Beam.

      I think that the tractor beam should be like forced docking (this would be usefulll when people can have weapons) your docking area would have to be large enough to hold what you are trying to dock. This would allow for some intresting infantry, and ship fights.
    8. UpperFlagAstro

      Remote Control for Ships & Turrets

      This is a great idea but I think that you should be able to track where the signal is being broadcasted from so that you can\'t destroy a ship from the safety of your space station and then go salvage the remains with almost no risk factor at all. Also you shouldn\'t be able to use this from...