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      Rezenator ShipYard

      Damn, they look fantastic !
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      Vecordean Fleetworks

      Damn, my ship is quite famous it seems :)
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      Vecordean Fleetworks

      Not really. It was meant to be a support corvette, able to carry drones or some cargo to help bigger ships while in combat. I didn\'t even want to put turrets on it, but decided to do so, just because every VFW ship uses turrets.
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      First Attempt At Some Ships

      Damn, they are sexy! I really like your building style!
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      Vecordean Fleetworks

      That\'s exactly what I said to Vec :)
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      Binvox/SMedit ships/building/things

      This stuff is great. It kinda looks like you loaded some kind of 3D model into the game. If you really built all of this in a legitim way, respect!
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      Vecordean Fleetworks

      I made a 20x20x20 grey block today.
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      Adimo Ship-Builders

      Thats what I\'m saying :)
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      Adimo Ship-Builders

      Ye, I see, but why would you do that :) Thats what I\'m thinking about. You will never fight with such a small ship. And most of the stuff you can put on it needs to be big, big arrays, to be useful. The only reason you would use such a small ship is cause you\'re role playing and then again...
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      Adimo Ship-Builders

      Why would you add armament to a drone like that? You will never be able to shoot something. I can only imagine a salvager on that thingy.
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      Adimo Ship-Builders

      The M-04 9000 GX\'s look awesome!
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      Verkit Industries

      The small turrets on the sides look really nice. I may try to copy them ;D
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      Soulless Fleetworks

      I enjoyed the the description almost more then the ships :) Very nice work there
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      Aesir Shipyards.

      Ye, I\'m just thinking about \"reallife\" situations. The game is not that realistic, you could build a cube with everything on it, just as you said before.
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      Aesir Shipyards.

      Who would mass produce beautiful ships for war? A capital ship has to represent the faction, I guess, but most of the fleet has to be functional and cheap.
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      The Smurfinator

      Great ship for that size ! Is there a download for it? I would love to use it as shuttle or fighter for my bigger ships :) With credits, of course.
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      What're You working on? [Closed]

      Looks cool, but I think you should add extra details for each variant of this ship. :)
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      Vecordean Fleetworks

      Looks good ! But your bird on the back looks a bit odd. The symetry is messed up I think. I can\'t wait to see our reworked ships ! :)
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      Holy mother of spaceships. What are you, a god?
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      Vecordean Fleetworks

      I liked the yellow/black more. Dunno, it just had more colour and colour is always good. There are so many grey ships out there..