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    1. T

      Another FTL idea, gate/wormholes

      This would work, and you could also implement a system where it has a charge up time after the ship is alligned to the destination Also, maby set it so power drain is distance based
    2. T

      Another FTL idea, gate/wormholes

      oh, all the dreams my friend... What about somthing along the lines of a FTL \"Drive\", where your ship can go much faster than the usual speed limitations of the server, say the normal limit is 200, but you need to get to a certian area quickly, you could input coordanates into the FTL and...
    3. T

      I would love to see the Destiny built

      I started playing this game and the second thing that came to mind was, stargate..... mother of stargate ships i could make, and the destiny was at the top of my list, so i started a server with some friends and decided to work my way to building the ship without the use of the give command, im...