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    1. B

      Missing NPC Factions

      The Pirates and Trading Guild factions don't exist on my server, reason for it, my friend joined them with console commands and left them, causing them to disband. Is there a fix besides reinstalling the game? I would rather not do so as my server map has stations on it that took days to...
    2. B

      Astro Technobeam

      To me, this is a really nice concept. To have a small ship armed with a repair beam and use it to repair your larger ship with. Only one problem... You have to hit each individual block. This means you could miss some if you don't pay attention to every block. It would be a lot better if it...
    3. B

      Death & buying ships

      I don't recall where I read this, but supposedly your supposed to lose half your credits when you die? I don't loose any at all, this is slightly annoying because when I kill and destroy someone, I expect them to lose their money so that way they don't just buy another mothership right off the...