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    1. D

      Starmade Basic Server

      There is a Free Open Server, its very Friendly, and there are many Factions to Join, and there are few people on it as of the moment, all we ask for you to follow these simple Rules Please do not cheat, Hack, Hex, or any other forms of cheating You may Raid Pirate Bases and Aquire your own...
    2. D

      Mass to HP

      At the moment, The Core is the most Valuble Block on any ship, and usually, bigger ships means more of a Pounding to reach, some times, people go out there way to making awesome ships, ships from Si-Fi movies, or just ships they enjoy building, and usually, after a fight, and one comes out...
    3. D

      Starmade is pretty awesome, I have some ideas :)

      As I've said as the Subject, yes, Starmade is pretty awesome, as a Minecraft Fan, I must say its a great design and hopefully it will develop stronger each passing month Btw am new ;) To start of, as becoming a Member of this fine Forum, i'd like to jump straight into Ideas, maybe they are...