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      Player abilities.

      +1 Magnetic boots would allow for gravity on an enemies ship.
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      SD KB script

      SD KBs are supposed to be able to harm you. (and your faction)
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      Micro Atomic Warheads

      Honestly I think people have been suggesting too many nerfs for large ships. The only reason they\'re considered op is because they\'re so easy to make. Which won\'t be a problem when economies are fixed. One fighter could take out a super cap assuming they never got hit. It would just take...
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      EMP Cannons!

      This is a great idea a localized EMP would allow for fighting a greater range, instead of getting close to use your pulsars. Also directional EMPs are real. They\'re using them in experimental fusion reactors. (EMPs that fire in one direction). They are going to use them to stablize the reactors.
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