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    1. V

      Movable parts

      I agree to this with some extent, I love the idea of parts of the ship flying off, which will proberlly be a must have, though force field plex doors is taking it one step too far.
    2. V

      Borg Cube

      Thanks guys and/or girls for the ideas, I initally didn\'t know powerdrain beams existed. This makes the plans for the Borg cube hole. But first I need to get past the frame, then the walls. Il post a picture in two days, maybe one if it decides to load on time because I really dont want to...
    3. V

      Borg Cube

      I finally finished the axis which I was planning to finish in one day has taken 3 due to technical difficulties. I started with a 6km one which failied miserably because the game engine coudn\'t handle it. The 3km one which I made a post about before failed miserably aswell due to bugs and...
    4. V

      Borg Cube

      It doesn\'t want to render the borg cube each time I log out and go back in....... Any ideas to fix it... Otherwise my 3k Borg cube is history :(
    5. V

      Borg Cube

      My friend and I have decided to make a full scale borg cube, which will spand out to be greater than 3km on each axis. The only problem I can think of the the money limit which we will deal with when it comes around, and it will. When im done with the frame, if it fits into a picture il post it...