Not like traveling at the speed of light to get to a place but punching in the sector cords and hyperspacing there.
Okay like this. Hyperspace core. costs money to hyperspace the longer the way to the place the more money it costs to get there.
Okay so once you...
2v2 battles anyone?
rules: Ship can only be allowed to be 80m wide 70m high 300m long anywhere out of that range would be not allowed to fight. Only lockon missiles and cannons.
Maybe you can win something in the end? depends if i can buy a server haha but its a good idea in one place
Depends on how much guns they have and how big they are
Cruiser would be something huge lots of weapons, sluggish, tons of shields
Frigate would be something with missiles, cannons, Large but not huge
Corvette would be the fighter craft which protects the main fleet when need be
I survived the sun when i went into it and it said 666.0 i was in there for about 40 seconds having a quick look around but couldnt find a thing. My ship did take alot of damage though. and i hadnt saved it :(
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