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      The Hyperion Corporation Bounty Board (RECRUITING VAULT HUNTERS)

      There will be no exploding trains involved, correct?
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      Odd structure, made my ship randomly turn

      I can\'t explain the shot, but your description sounds like the randomly generated, non-pirate/non-shop space stations.
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      Artillery Proposal

      But secret means remote too
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      Artillery Proposal

      I do see your point, however, small factions should have SECRET bases and they could set up turrets to destroy scouts. The weapon would take a while to lock on 45-90 seconds, allowing turrets to defend against it. This would mainly be designed to combat titans from a far distance.
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      Artillery Proposal

      Hear me out on this one. I propose a new weapon, capable of firing across sectors to hit its target. It would consume all power when fired, and the amount consumed, along with its size, determines the damage and range. This would balance it, as the station/ship it is mounted on would be...
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      The Covenant Empire

      I cant get on
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      The Covenant Empire

      So What is the IP
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      The Covenant Empire

      solsurfer2008 // 14 // Male Reason: Destroy the U.G.S.C. vermin Role: Pilot Ship: Seraph Reason for Role: I like to fly fighters and am rather good at it. Starmade History: Extended Ranking System: Role based Fighting Style: Aggressive
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      The Covenant Empire

      How do I apply? With a comment? Also do you have a place for someone who can only play on weekends for limited times?