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    1. Z

      Falling through others ship in multiplayer

      Ok thank you Kataime sorry about that I am new to this game.
    2. Z

      Falling through others ship in multiplayer

      how do I go into build mode when someone else is flying, because when someone else is flying it won\'t let me enter their core
    3. Z

      Falling through others ship in multiplayer

      The problem is that my friend and I are playing on our own server and we want to use only one ship (he flies the ship while I am passenger) but when I am as a passenger in the back when he flies it usually works pretty good for the first 10 seconds or so but then I slowly start sinking in the...
    4. Z

      How do I ride in someone else's ship?

      So my friend and I are playing on our own server and we both want to ride in the same ship. So the plan was while he flies I will hang out in the little room we made. But whenever he flies it I usually fall through the ship about a couple of seconds through flight and makes it almost impossible...
    5. Z

      How do I ride in someone else's ship?

      So my friend and I are playing on our own server and we both want to ride in the same ship. So the plan was while he flies I will hang out in the little room we made. But whenever he flies it I usually fall through the ship about a couple of seconds through flight and makes it almost impossible...