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    1. J

      Ship Cosmetics

      You almost answered your own question. Most combat ships, tanks, planes, weapons, etc. are camoflagued. Therefore, doing this would be adding a great amount of realism. And if you were to not use hull blocks, then those painted blocks don\'t take as much damage as a hull block would, so it evens...
    2. J

      Option to filter out "Docked" entities, please!

      I agree with this, for even a few turrets (One of my crusier has 35) is terribly annoying. In response/agreement to askaholic one possibility could be to click on that entity in your navigation screen to get the objects mass, and if there are turrets, that could also be displayed. Just a...
    3. J

      Turret Gun Rotation

      I fully agree with a turret core, and it would be great if it had a less massive blip in your screen, and if you would be able to turn them off on the navigation screen like you would asteroids and such. I say this would be awesome because I recently made a ship with 35 turrets on it, and from...
    4. J

      Turret Gun Rotation

      Its funny, I came onto the forums to start a thread just like this. I would also love a block that rotates 360 degrees on one plane, then one that rotates 0-90 degrees vertically. or somewhere like that. It would vastly improve the look and feel of turrets on ships :)
    5. J

      Damage & Toughness, in general

      I would love to be albe to buy a factory unit called a compressor, where i could take a grey hull and compress it, so it is, say 1/5th of its original height, but same witdh and depth, and same mass, and hp. then i could stack 5 of them in the place of one uncompressed hull, and i would give me...
    6. J

      Salvage cannons transfer loot to linked storage

      I support this.
    7. J

      PlexLifter In Ships

      This would be a nice addition for big ship builders. Im currently working on a 180m long ship with 4 decks, and will need to build staircases of sorts, but plexlifters would save alot of space.